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hai all, i am a beginner,

i try to follow step by step from , to build a tile server

but in step "Run the pre-processor and then carto: " ...

./ cd ../OSMBright/ carto project.mml > OSMBright.xml

i am not yet understand about how to build "OSMBright" folder,where i have to start with? please help, thank you

asked 28 Jun '15, 20:18

grenfajr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi. I am a beginner too and I am working on the same. I have problems in next stages but this ran pretty smoothly for me. Its specified there in the tutorial itself. When you change the path and dbname in file of osm-bright-master and build it by ./, a folder OSMBright gets generated. cd.. goes back a folder and there you will have OSMBright folder. To convert the project.mml file in that folder to xml you gotta give the command - carto project.mml > OSMBright.xml

permanent link

answered 25 Jul '15, 07:58

dmnw15's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 Jun '15, 20:18

question was seen: 5,810 times

last updated: 25 Jul '15, 07:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum