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I am looking at this bridge:

You can't route walking over this bridge because it is not connected to the streets. What is the right approach to connect it to the streets?

I think just dragging the end nodes to the street is wrong, isn't it?

asked 27 Jun '15, 10:43

Wasus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Since the bridge is a footbridge I would connect the end of the bridge to the nearest highway with a footway showing the shortest route somebody on foot would be able to walk.

Obviously if you cannot get on foot to the highway because of safety barriers or other obstructions you shouldn't join the footway to the highway there, likewise if there is no sidewalk or any restrictions on pedestrians walking on/along the highway you shouldn't join them.

eg like here

permanent link

answered 27 Jun '15, 16:58

YoP's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 27 Jun '15, 17:04

Unless pedestrians are allowed to walk in the road, it'd probably be best if the road way is tagged with sidewalk=*, or else the sidewalk is separately mapped as a footway

(29 Jun '15, 14:46) neuhausr

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question asked: 27 Jun '15, 10:43

question was seen: 2,930 times

last updated: 29 Jun '15, 14:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum