I have looked through past questions looking for the terms "speed", "traffic" and "real-time" and have not found a direct answer to this question. Thanks! |
The short answer is no. The slightly longer answer: OpenStreetMap does not collect transient data so the data is not available in OSM and will likely never be; there are some companies large and small who collect live vehicle data but none of that is released in the open, or at least not a significant body of data. There's a project called OpenTraffic (http://opentraffic.io/) which aims to collect such moving car data but the project is still at the concept stage. 1
To see what "speed" related things people have recorded, have a look here: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=speed http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/maxspeed%3Apractical Another approach might be to look at GPS data that people have contributed: http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces but you'll need to figure out which roads correspond to which traces. Note that planet.gpx is just a series of points and therefore not a lot of use to you:
(25 Jun '15, 18:31)
SomeoneElse ♦
On second thought, I do not necessarily need the detail of real-time speed data. What about average speed data by time of day? Are there any open source data on that?