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By country club I'm referring to a members-only club which can include grounds with sporting facilities like tennis courts, golf courses, swimming pools, polo, etc., and buildings with a restaurant, bar, etc. (can also house indoor sports).

Nominatim returns mostly hamlets, suburbs, admin boundaries, neighborhoods, localities, with only a couple features which match the description tagged as commercial areas or recreation grounds, neither of which fit the bill in my opinion.

The wiki also has no articles matching this term. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

asked 23 Jun '15, 22:47

carciofo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Carcciofo, consider using access=private, since it’s a members only club. And use all the necessary tags to make clear what is going on inside the complex of buildings and grounds, such as leisure=sports_centre.

permanent link

answered 24 Jun '15, 00:15

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


+1 to access=private, but I doubt leisure=sports_centre is appropriate for most cases--just tag individual features (tennis courts, golf course, swimming pool, etc). @carciofo, if you're looking for a "landuse"-type of tag, I don't know of a widely used one. Place tags seem incorrect to use. Using club=* might be an option? (see

(24 Jun '15, 14:23) neuhausr

I'd certainly agree with @neuhausr's suggestion of using a club=* tag. I'm less keen on leisure=sports_centre which is becoming rather ambiguous. For flat grassy areas with a number of pitches I would suggest leisure=recreation_ground (yes I know it has acquired an - unfortunate - literal meaning in the US).

(24 Jun '15, 19:15) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 23 Jun '15, 22:47

question was seen: 2,118 times

last updated: 24 Jun '15, 19:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum