I have OsmAnd+ 2.1.1 on my Samsung phone using Lollipop 5.0.1 and when you add to favorites it does let me amend the text. answered 23 Jun '15, 10:54 EdLoach ♦ Good for you EdLoach. My Nexus7 has performance issues with Lolipop but the behavior of OSM seems like something else entirely.
(23 Jun '15, 23:18)
Other quirks need fixing too!
(23 Jun '15, 23:20)
You are probably talking about the OsmAnd software which is not part of OpenStreetMap itself and hence this forum might not be the best place to ask. I suggest that you seek help on the http://osmand.net web page, or contact the software vendor. answered 23 Jun '15, 10:53 Frederik Ramm ♦ |