I've instaled Nominatim on rhel 6.5,imported my map into, created website through httpd service, got any files in /var/www/html. But when I opened a link http://localhost I got many errors like:
string(19) "pgsql://@/nominatim" object(DB_Error)#2 (8) { ["error_message_prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["mode"]=> int(1) ["level"]=> int(1024) ["code"]=> int(-24) ["message"]=> string(24) "DB Error: connect failed" ["userinfo"]=> string(239) " [nativecode=pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?] pgsql://@/nominatim" ["backtrace"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(22) "/usr/share/pear/DB.php" ["line"]=> int(967) ["function"]=> string(10) "PEAR_Error" ["class"]=> string(10) "PEAR_Error" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(24) "DB Error: connect failed" [1]=> int(-24) [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(1024) [4]=> string(216) " [nativecode=pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?]" } } [1]=> array(7) { ["file"]=> string(24) "/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php" ["line"]=> int(531) ["function"]=> string(8) "DB_Error" ["class"]=> string(8) "DB_Error" ["object"]=> RECURSION ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(4) { [0]=> int(-24) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(1024) [3]=> string(216) " [nativecode=pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?]" } } [2]=> array(7) { ["file"]=> string(29) "/usr/share/pear/DB/common.php" ["line"]=> int(1907) ["function"]=> string(10) "raiseError" ["class"]=> string(4) "PEAR" ["object"]=> object(DB_pgsql)#1 (28) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["features"]=> array(7) { ["limit"]=> string(5) "alter" ["new_link"]=> string(5) "4.3.0" ["numrows"]=> bool(true) ["pconnect"]=> bool(true) ["prepare"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(true) ["transactions"]=> bool(true) } ["errorcode_map"]=> array(0) { } ["connection"]=> bool(false) ["dsn"]=> array(9) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["username"]=> string(0) "" ["password"]=> bool(false) ["protocol"]=> string(3) "tcp" ["hostspec"]=> string(0) "" ["port"]=> bool(false) ["socket"]=> bool(false) ["database"]=> string(9) "nominatim" } ["autocommit"]=> bool(true) ["transaction_opcount"]=> int(0) ["affected"]=> int(0) ["row"]=> array(0) { } ["_num_rows"]=> array(0) { } ["fetchmode"]=> int(1) ["fetchmode_object_class"]=> string(8) "stdClass" ["was_connected"]=> NULL ["last_query"]=> string(0) "" ["options"]=> array(8) { ["result_buffering"]=> int(500) ["persistent"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(false) ["debug"]=> int(0) ["seqname_format"]=> string(6) "%s_seq" ["autofree"]=> bool(false) ["portability"]=> int(0) ["optimize"]=> string(11) "performance" } ["last_parameters"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_tokens"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_types"]=> array(0) { } ["prepared_queries"]=> array(0) { } ["_last_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_next_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_debug"]=> bool(false) ["_default_error_mode"]=> NULL ["_default_error_options"]=> NULL ["_default_error_handler"]=> string(0) "" ["_error_class"]=> string(8) "DB_Error" ["_expected_errors"]=> array(0) { } } ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(7) { [0]=> NULL [1]=> int(-24) [2]=> NULL [3]=> NULL [4]=> string(216) " [nativecode=pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?]" [5]=> string(8) "DB_Error" [6]=> bool(true) } } [3]=> array(7) { ["file"]=> string(28) "/usr/share/pear/DB/pgsql.php" ["line"]=> int(289) ["function"]=> string(10) "raiseError" ["class"]=> string(9) "DB_common" ["object"]=> object(DB_pgsql)#1 (28) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["features"]=> array(7) { ["limit"]=> string(5) "alter" ["new_link"]=> string(5) "4.3.0" ["numrows"]=> bool(true) ["pconnect"]=> bool(true) ["prepare"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(true) ["transactions"]=> bool(true) } ["errorcode_map"]=> array(0) { } ["connection"]=> bool(false) ["dsn"]=> array(9) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["username"]=> string(0) "" ["password"]=> bool(false) ["protocol"]=> string(3) "tcp" ["hostspec"]=> string(0) "" ["port"]=> bool(false) ["socket"]=> bool(false) ["database"]=> string(9) "nominatim" } ["autocommit"]=> bool(true) ["transaction_opcount"]=> int(0) ["affected"]=> int(0) ["row"]=> array(0) { } ["_num_rows"]=> array(0) { } ["fetchmode"]=> int(1) ["fetchmode_object_class"]=> string(8) "stdClass" ["was_connected"]=> NULL ["last_query"]=> string(0) "" ["options"]=> array(8) { ["result_buffering"]=> int(500) ["persistent"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(false) ["debug"]=> int(0) ["seqname_format"]=> string(6) "%s_seq" ["autofree"]=> bool(false) ["portability"]=> int(0) ["optimize"]=> string(11) "performance" } ["last_parameters"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_tokens"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_types"]=> array(0) { } ["prepared_queries"]=> array(0) { } ["_last_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_next_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_debug"]=> bool(false) ["_default_error_mode"]=> NULL ["_default_error_options"]=> NULL ["_default_error_handler"]=> string(0) "" ["_error_class"]=> string(8) "DB_Error" ["_expected_errors"]=> array(0) { } } ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(5) { [0]=> int(-24) [1]=> NULL [2]=> NULL [3]=> NULL [4]=> string(202) "pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?" } } [4]=> array(7) { ["file"]=> string(22) "/usr/share/pear/DB.php" ["line"]=> int(557) ["function"]=> string(7) "connect" ["class"]=> string(8) "DB_pgsql" ["object"]=> object(DB_pgsql)#1 (28) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["features"]=> array(7) { ["limit"]=> string(5) "alter" ["new_link"]=> string(5) "4.3.0" ["numrows"]=> bool(true) ["pconnect"]=> bool(true) ["prepare"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(true) ["transactions"]=> bool(true) } ["errorcode_map"]=> array(0) { } ["connection"]=> bool(false) ["dsn"]=> array(9) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["username"]=> string(0) "" ["password"]=> bool(false) ["protocol"]=> string(3) "tcp" ["hostspec"]=> string(0) "" ["port"]=> bool(false) ["socket"]=> bool(false) ["database"]=> string(9) "nominatim" } ["autocommit"]=> bool(true) ["transaction_opcount"]=> int(0) ["affected"]=> int(0) ["row"]=> array(0) { } ["_num_rows"]=> array(0) { } ["fetchmode"]=> int(1) ["fetchmode_object_class"]=> string(8) "stdClass" ["was_connected"]=> NULL ["last_query"]=> string(0) "" ["options"]=> array(8) { ["result_buffering"]=> int(500) ["persistent"]=> bool(false) ["ssl"]=> bool(false) ["debug"]=> int(0) ["seqname_format"]=> string(6) "%s_seq" ["autofree"]=> bool(false) ["portability"]=> int(0) ["optimize"]=> string(11) "performance" } ["last_parameters"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_tokens"]=> array(0) { } ["prepare_types"]=> array(0) { } ["prepared_queries"]=> array(0) { } ["_last_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_next_query_manip"]=> bool(false) ["_debug"]=> bool(false) ["_default_error_mode"]=> NULL ["_default_error_options"]=> NULL ["_default_error_handler"]=> string(0) "" ["_error_class"]=> string(8) "DB_Error" ["_expected_errors"]=> array(0) { } } ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(9) { ["phptype"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["dbsyntax"]=> string(5) "pgsql" ["username"]=> string(0) "" ["password"]=> bool(false) ["protocol"]=> string(3) "tcp" ["hostspec"]=> string(0) "" ["port"]=> bool(false) ["socket"]=> bool(false) ["database"]=> string(9) "nominatim" } [1]=> bool(false) } } [5]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(25) "/opt/Nominatim/lib/db.php" ["line"]=> int(7) ["function"]=> string(7) "connect" ["class"]=> string(2) "DB" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(19) "pgsql://@/nominatim" [1]=> bool(false) } } [6]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(33) "/opt/Nominatim/website/search.php" ["line"]=> int(10) ["function"]=> string(5) "getDB" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } } ["callback"]=> NULL } DB Error: connect failed
What's going wrong wit it?
22 Jun '15, 10:48
accept rate: