I am wondering how to map this in open street maps. I have a bus route that has a different end/start terminal based on if it's A.M. or P.M. Do I draw a relation from the upper star to the P.M. star and the other ways in another relation? Also how would I map the direction of the relation? |
Normally in OSM, only bus route path and stops are mapped. Since the route is the same for both AM and PM, a different start/end terminal information would be included in the GTFS for that route. GTFS includes many attributes that do not fit into the OSM geographic data. So would I create 2 separate relations one for the a.m. and one for the p.m.? or do I just map the whole thing and let the external processors of the OSM data deal with the A.M./P.M. schedule?
(22 Jun '15, 13:23)