I'm having some trouble with extracting the number of lanes and appropriate turn restrictions in OSM. Take for example Penn Avenue, at the intersection with Center Avenue in Pittsburgh. On the map you clearly see a purple road with a dotted center line which indicates multiple lanes. Yet in the data, there is no "lanes" tag. How can I get the number of lanes for this particular street? If it's not in OSM, is there some external source where I might be able to get this kind of data? Update:
Here is a screenshot of that particular intersection from Google maps satelite:
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that dotted purple lines represent administrative boundaries (countries/states/counites/etc.), and it looks like that road is in an administrative relation: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3893364 I've updated my question with an image of that particular intersection. Hope this clarifies. Perhaps my interpretation of the 'dotted' line was wrong, but there are certainly multiple lanes and turn restrictions for this particular intersection. Yet I can't find information about this in the data.
(19 Jun '15, 16:34)
It looks like no-one has added the lanes value to the OSM database. This is not unusual, ~97% of roads in OSM have no lane information. Perhaps you could map it yourself?
(20 Jun '15, 16:34)
Like rorym said, the purple dotted line you see is this administrative boundary for the Shadyside neighbourhood. While there may exist multiple lanes and turn restrictions in real life, those have not yet been represented in the OpenStreetMap data. Further, neither the number of lanes nor turn restrictions are currently rendered by the style used on that map, so they wouldn't be visible even if they were in the data. |
After being a bit familiar with OSM tagging schema for turn lanes and turn restrictions, you can load that area for example in the offline editor JOSM. There you can see that right to this moment (maybe someone is adding tags in the next hours or days) thereis NO tagging about lanes, turn lanes and turn restrictions. In JOSM there are symbols for turn restrictions, and there is a mappaint style for lanes, and turn lanes! And I never came accross any legal data source with real data about lanes count and turn restriction for any area in the world. So it is hard work to derive that real world information by own knowledge, or any webservice where we have the explicit permission to use for OSM purposes, like mapillary.com, Bing aerial photos or Mapbox aerial photos |