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alt textHow do I tag elevated highways and roads, ie. a road, or roads, that are constructed above a road at ground level and that follow exactly the same path as the ground-level road?

I have attached an image taken in Guangzhou, China, where the elevated road shown circles the entire city as the city's inner ring road.

Many thanks

asked 10 Apr '11, 01:24

scriber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Apr '11, 01:26

Tag as bridge=viaduct there are over 5000 examples on taginfo, and probably at least as many which are just tagged bridge=yes.

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answered 10 Apr '11, 15:25

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%


Yes! I'd never heard the term "viaduct" before, but I think that's it. I've deleted my answer. Also, I've checked, and mapnik (recently) added support for rendering bridge=viaduct (the same as bridge=yes). See for details and examples.

(10 Apr '11, 17:28) JasonWoof

bridge=yes + layer=1,2,3...
I'm not sure if layer can go up to 5 and beyond. If 5 is the maximum value it can be trouble with highways that go with more than 5 (10?) layers of bridges.

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answered 11 Apr '11, 13:40

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%


I've never mapped such roadways, however I did find a thread on the OSM-talk mailing list: Elevated highways

I would map the elevated portion as a separate way, and give it the tag layer=1 (or for certain sections higher, depending on how many other highways are beneath it). I'm not sure if it should be tagged as a bridge, however I would tend to say it should not. Hopefully others with experience in this can chime in.

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answered 10 Apr '11, 03:24

JoshD's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 10 Apr '11, 01:24

question was seen: 8,938 times

last updated: 11 Apr '11, 13:40

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