Hello, I made podifications on the map. I added some residentials roads and paths for pedestrians. I waited a little moment, and the modifications appeared in the public map. But they don't appear in the cycle map. Why ? Did I miss something ? Do I have something to do ? I precise, I use the French version. Thank you Bonjour, J'ai apporté des modifications à la carte, j'ai ajouté des "Routes résidentielles" et des "Voies piétonnes". (j'utilise la version française) Les modifications apparaissent dans les différentes couches, mais pas dans la "Carte cyclable". Ai-je manqué une étape ? Est-ce que j'ai quelque chose à faire ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide |
The "main" map on openstreetmap.org is updated every few minutes. The "Cycle Map" is updated less frequently; it may take up to 24 hours for your changes to appear (see the wiki for more details). All the maps (cycle, transport...) are based on the same database, so once you make a change it will (eventually - some are faster than others) show up on all maps. Some similar questions, which may also be interesting for you: Thank you very much for your answer, the cycle map has been updated just a few minutes ago !
(18 Jun '15, 18:07)