I've uploaded a .GPX file with a track. When I select GPS Traces, and then "See just your traces," they are there on the "Your GPS Traces" page. I can see the physical traces as black lines. One trace is shown as PRIVATE, the other is PUBLIC. When I select either "map" or "edit," the Open Street Map goes to the area of the country where the tracks were captured, so I know that at least some coordinate information is being sent to the map. But the track does not display on the map in either case (using just map, or using the Potlatch editor. I suspect that I'm doing something obviously wrong, but after reading the help files, watching half of the long video, and looking for ideas here, I've reached a point where I just need to ask the question here. Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide. Terry Quinn
This question is marked "community wiki".
The GPX track will not be overlayed onto off the map while in view mode and will only appear in edit mode after you told Potlatch to display GPX tracks. If you want to view the GPX track or show it to friends you should use one of the OpenStreetMap based webservices, not the main OpenStreetMap website for that. Thank you for the help. I'm now able to see the tracks.
(09 Apr '11, 21:17)