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I'm using a garmin etrex 10 for bike tours. With a little trick, it is possible to use maps on that device. I can export a region from OSM and convert it. This approach is quite limited. Rectangular maps don't make much sense when my planned route is diagonal through the map. Since I'm planning my routes beforehand, I always have a gpx file with the track. Now I'd like to export only the parts of OSM that are within ~500m of that track. I already found the possiblity to export an area with a poly file. How could I make a poly file that covers my gpx track? Thanks in advance,


asked 14 Jun '15, 13:55

Leo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

JOSM can download raw OSM data along a GPX track, see this question.

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answered 14 Jun '15, 15:47

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


On my first try this worked only partly. As result I only got a small part of the whole map on my etrex. Then I opened the *.osm file that I saved in JOSM and saw that the following lines marked a too narrow area: <bounds minlat="48.504552" minlon="9.1354781" maxlat="48.544997" maxlon="9.159932" origin="CGImap 0.4.0 (22662"/> <bounds minlat="48.497707" minlon="9.159932" maxlat="48.506205" maxlon="9.1843859" origin="CGImap 0.4.0 (28843"/>

By changing this manually I had the result I actually wanted. Any idea what option in JOSM influences these values?

(14 Jun '15, 19:26) Leo

I guess the problem is not that the bounds are too small but that they appear multiple times in the XML file whereas the tool you are using only parses the first appearance. I had a similar problem with some tool but I don't quite remember which, maybe osmosis. Deleting all <bounds...> lines should work.

(14 Jun '15, 20:56) scai ♦

thanks for all your answers scai, in the meantime I found the option --ignore-osm-bounds Now it works :-) Thanks for your help

(14 Jun '15, 21:24) Leo

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question asked: 14 Jun '15, 13:55

question was seen: 3,765 times

last updated: 14 Jun '15, 21:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum