So according to the Wiki, amenity=bus_station is deprecated. One should map it as public_transport=station. Fine by me, but the wiki never says how to say what kind of station it is - does it do trains, subways, buses, etc. Or am I being blind? |
I think that the wiki's just plain wrong here. It's supposed to describe how people map, not tell people how to map - and in this case it's clearly failing. I'm sure that the "public transport v2" style tagging addresses a genuine need in a few cities with many transport modes, but it fails terribly at "how do I simply map a bus stop" and "how do I simply map a bus station" everywhere else, which is why many people don't use it. (edit: converted to answer on request) 2
At least the Public Transport schema allows use of other tags. So if you feel the need to use this schema I would suggest also adding amenity=bus_station as this is far, far easier for data consumers. It is also incidentally much easier for editors too.
(19 Jun '15, 12:41)
SK53 ♦
According to the original public transport proposal the station and platform don't get any tag for specifying the vehicle type. Instead the public_transport=stop_position is combined with bus=yes if buses halt at this stop position. 2
The proposal doesn't explicitly mention you can put bus=yes on a platform, only at a stop_position. Which could be a choice, as the same platform might in fact serve both buses and trams, for example. So the real answer is that the 'new' proposal does not define public transport stations as things which serve a specific mode of transport. Which probably explains why only 14.000 of them exist, while there are 29.000 bus_stations. I also just noted that most wiki pages state bus_station is out of date, but the proposal does not "replace, deprecate or obsolete" other tags. So I'll leave my bus station as is: amenity=bus_station & public_transport=station .
(12 Jun '15, 12:43)
joost schouppe
Joost schouppe, try to read these lines, , and make a choice or read the proposals as well. That will bring you to the right tagging scheme. And tag the way of transport = with a extra value, train, bus, metro aso 3
Your search points to my first link. Your second link is my second link. The problem is that the first link says "don't do this", and the second one says "make me a station", but doesn't seem to answer the question "how to define a station as a bus station".
(12 Jun '15, 12:17)
joost schouppe