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I'm assessing how much time a project which will need that uses heavily OpenStreetMap. For this I need to know the browser scope or browser possible issues OpenStreetMap has. I cannot find it anywhere.

I will need to cover a broadband browsers such as Windows phone 8, Android 4.4 native browsers, desktop versions and others...

Many thanks for the info!!!

asked 09 Jun '15, 12:07

daniramirezescudero's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Jun '15, 09:54

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


You'll need to be a bit more specific, there are lots of different components displaying "osm stuff" on a browser, each with various levels of cross-platform browser support. And ultimately, no answer we could give you will be as good for your usecase as doing the testing yourself.

(09 Jun '15, 12:21) Vincent de P... ♦

Hi, maybe I should speak more of the biggest concern. Are there any problems with Windows Phone's? Window phone 7 and windows phone 8?

Many thanks!

(09 Jun '15, 15:25) daniramireze...

We can't answer that question without knowing what you are planning to do exactly. In which way will your project use OpenStreetMap? I guess it won't use the map displayed at directly but has to use some third party or self-written library instead.

(09 Jun '15, 15:29) scai ♦

Hi. Thanks for your interest, however your query is written in such a way as to be too vague to answer. There are many things you can do with OSM. The maps on are just images, in theory any device that can display a jpg file can display OSM. But not all devices could do subsecond world wide routing with OSM data. What do you actually want to do?

(11 Jun '15, 10:01) rorym

Hi, many thanks to all for the answers! The use of the map will be to create a custom map (It seems I HAVE to use MaBox for this) in which pin points will be shown of different vehicles which interact in real time. Some information of the vehicles will be shown if clicked on the vehicle icon. Also a radius depending on it's kilometers settings from a center point will be visually displayed. As you can see, lots of interactive data will be updated to OSM. I'm a front-end developer so I'm just asking of what I have knowledge about so all that data purposes are things that are out of my scope. I suppose the embed will be done in an iframe. Is this iframe cross-browser compatible? I hope this is more clear... If not... thanks for answering!

(11 Jun '15, 10:27) daniramireze...

In case you need realtime vehicle tracking, see two mentioned solutions at

(11 Jun '15, 17:14) stephan75
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question asked: 09 Jun '15, 12:07

question was seen: 3,634 times

last updated: 11 Jun '15, 17:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum