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I am compiling a map using the OSM data downloaded from geofabrik

And when I finally get to Mkgmap it is complaining about Drive on Right roads being in the file. I believe if I put --drive-on=left option into Mkgmap that should force a drive on the left and I won't get the warning messages. I hope this is the case.

But, is there any way to search the OSM database to find where these roads are ?

asked 09 Jun '15, 05:51

Rossendale%20Gary's gravatar image

Rossendale Gary
accept rate: 20%

edited 09 Jun '15, 05:52

If the exceptions are those ways tagged with driving_side=right you can perhaps use the overpass link from the uk taginfo site

permanent link

answered 09 Jun '15, 07:59

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 09 Jun '15, 08:34

Hi Ed. Thanks for the prompt response.

These are the messages I get, it still produces a map.

SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341003.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (18429) and drive-on-right roads (1) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341010.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (74845) and drive-on-right roads (1) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341015.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (63268) and drive-on-right roads (4) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341029.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (97709) and drive-on-right roads (3) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341033.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (61515) and drive-on-right roads (2) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341034.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (109296) and drive-on-right roads (2) SEVERE (StyledConverter): 12341003.osm.pbf: Attention: Tile contains both drive-on-left (18429) and drive-on-right roads (1)

I have no idea where the roads tagged "drive_side=right" are. As the UK drives on the left, I am guessing some roads have been missed tagged. How does the overpass link help ?

(09 Jun '15, 08:04) Rossendale Gary

Hi Ed.

Okay I am impressed with the search, it appears there are two roads with drive on the right in London, nice search,m how did you set that up ? so I am a bit more proficient next time

(09 Jun '15, 08:15) Rossendale Gary

I didn't set it up. I found the driving_side page on the wiki then clicked the "uk" link under "more tools for this tag" in the box on the right and noticed there was an overpass turbo link. I suspect the tag has been added deliberately and in those instances you end up driving on the right because of circumstances linked to one way systems.

(09 Jun '15, 08:34) EdLoach ♦

I am surprised Mkgmap throws out a dozen or so errors based on 2 roads in London, but hey ho, I now understand how to search and as I don't drive in London all is well with the world.

Thanks Ed, much appreciated

(09 Jun '15, 08:37) Rossendale Gary

I presume one of these is the famous service road for the Savoy Hotel (an example of the rule that there is always at least one exception in any large enough data set). See

(09 Jun '15, 10:59) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 09 Jun '15, 05:51

question was seen: 3,297 times

last updated: 09 Jun '15, 10:59

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