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I am pretty sure the following tile needs to be re-rendered :

I read that the following url, request a new rendering...

But after that when I call this url

I got :
Tile is clean. Last rendered at Thu Mar 17 04:40:53 2011 and today is April 8 ?!?

What can I do ? to get my tile refreshed ?

asked 08 Apr '11, 17:44

Fabyen's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

In my experience high zoom levels (zoomed in far) are re-rendered very quickly, but when you zoom out a bunch (eg to level 9 as in your tile) it re-renders very infrequently. I suspect that lower zoom levels are on a schedule or something, and don't respond to the "dirty" system, or respond, but on a significantly different schedule. I'd love for someone to confirm this and share the details, as I haven't been able to find it documented anywhere.

Would be lovely to have it documented here.

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answered 08 Apr '11, 18:58

JasonWoof's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

would be lovely... thanks for the answer.

(10 Apr '11, 16:45) Fabyen

In case of the old tile eventually being cached in your browser's cache you may want to open the tile directly into your browser by right-clicking over it (choose "Open image" or whatever your browser writes) and press CTRL+F5 to fetch a clean copy from the server.

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answered 10 Apr '11, 14:25

katpatuka's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

thanks about that. But I know about webbrowser cache, and the problem is not coming from there. Thanks anyway.

(10 Apr '11, 16:45) Fabyen

I just commented on this issue to another question at . What's the c.* in the URL? (I'm assuming that my guess in the linked comment may well not be correct..).

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answered 02 Jun '11, 15:37

jaakkoh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 08 Apr '11, 17:44

question was seen: 9,659 times

last updated: 02 Jun '11, 15:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum