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Hi how to setup and install openstreetmap server locally

asked 04 Jun '15, 16:20

shajia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you want a rendering server (serving map tiles like does) I'd follow this guide. If you want to do address lookups, you may want to look here. If you want a copy of absolutely everything, and want to edit your own data locally, start here.

But what you might want to do is explain in a few more words what problem you're trying to solve - then people will be able to give more guidance.

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answered 04 Jun '15, 16:24

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

My Name is Shaji and I am working in Govt. Organisation Promoting Opensource platform, we are planning to build entire map of Kerala Region for various govt purposes without using propritory maps, so for the development and testing purpose we need to host a copy of the Openstreet map for our datacentre.So that i need to setup a clone of Openstreetmap

(04 Jun '15, 16:33) shajia

To expand a little bit on the answer (following on from a conversation on IRC) the rails port (the "if you want to edit your own data locally" option) is apparantly what the OP wants in this case.

However it's worth mentioning that to do that would be to cut yourself off from OSM - not just internationally, but everywhere outside of Kerala. If someone decides to map every house in Mangalaru in OSM, it won't appear in your map. Merging data from your "clone of OSM" with "the original OSM" isn't going to be straightforward at all - you'd need to be able to track the history of something in your database and OSM's database to a common ancestor to figure our what to replace with what, and if different changes have been made to each, that will be difficult.

I suspect that you're better off concentrating on a tile server for now (the page might be useful here) and perhaps tweaking the map style to be more relevant to what you want to display.

(04 Jun '15, 23:33) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 04 Jun '15, 16:20

question was seen: 3,299 times

last updated: 04 Jun '15, 23:33

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