Most of this area is from tiger data, and is completely wrong. Many of the streets are nowhere near their correct positions, and most of them are in completely the wrong shape. Some are also connected to other roads incorrectly. Unfortunately, I currently do not have the time required to fix this. Is there some way to mark areas as needing improvement so that they can be fixed? |
While I think a large number of OSMers feel with you, the fact is that from a pure area point of view most of the US needs improvement (there are some places in the US that are excellent in OSM, but they don't cover a large part of the US from an area pov) and there is absolutely no point in highlighting your specific place. Living with a wrong decision (the bulk TIGER import), that wouldn't be taken that way from todays viewpoint (and note I'm not blaming anybody, I would have likely made the same choice back then) is something that you are just going to have to do, just as everybody else. However I do take issue with your claim that you don't have the time to fix it. If you don't want to spend the couple of hours it might take en bloc to fix the issues then simply chip away at it in 5 minute slices. You can surely spare that per day and there is no hurry, as long as it is improving, tomorrow OSM will be better than today. "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Just keep chipping away at it. :)
(08 Jun '15, 09:29)
In this case, the "tiger:reviewed=no" flag is still set, so it will be flagged as still needing review. Maybe a note might work, but I don't think that adding notes everywhere TIGER data needs work is a scaleable solution.
Ditto that the "tiger:reviewed=no" tag is the best way to mark TIGER data that needs to be fixed.
If you are just examining the default rendering looking for areas that probably have major TIGER issues, at least in the rural western US, simply look for a large number of "residential" roads where it seems unlikely. For example in the middle of farm, ranch land or desert.
If it's any consolation, I've seen a lot worse! The "OSM v TIGER BattleGrid" is another way people might find places to improve: You could also leave a note if there are particular issues you want to highlight.