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When searching for "London Eye" on Open Street Map I get 3 results from Nominatim (1 attraction + 2 bus stops): OSM - London Eye.

When I do the same search on Nominatim I only get 2 results (2 bus stops): Nominatim - London Eye. This is consistent with the results I get when I use the Nominatim API.

Why are the results different? Shouldn't OSM be showing the same results as the Nominatim API?

asked 03 Jun '15, 22:44

brunocostalopes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Both have a "more results" button. However the order (i.e. importance) of the search results still differs.

(04 Jun '15, 07:25) scai ♦

I believe the "more results" is actually doing a new query. if you query the API directly you will only get 2 results.

(04 Jun '15, 08:11) brunocostalopes

Ok, after digging around a bit more, I now suspect that the OSM website is actually using the Mapquest servers, not sure if anyone can confirm that? That would explain the different results and I guess the question of why the Mapquest Nominatim Search Service does not match the OSM Nominatim is for a different forum.

(04 Jun '15, 10:12) brunocostalopes

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question asked: 03 Jun '15, 22:44

question was seen: 4,973 times

last updated: 04 Jun '15, 10:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum