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Hi, I'm trying editing this area with JOSM. I've tried to apply the editing rules as strictly as possible using multipolygon relations among inner/outer features and adjacent objects. With the most features I haven't found any problem, and the edited features are represented on the map as I edited them. On the contrary in some cases, as the one in the mentioned link, I'm quite sure to have followed the correct editing rules, but I cannot see the boundaries for my features (that are visible in the editing mode). Could anyone solve the mistery and explain me why it happens? Thanks in advance...

asked 03 Jun '15, 16:45

Radha72's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Sep '15, 06:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

It isn't clear which objects you're referring to, but I looked at the data in that area and you are missing some tags that could be causing your confusion. Both the sports_centre building and the cafe building are missing building tags, so only the amenity icons are rendering. If you add appropriate building tags to these objects, they will then be visible.

There are also some things that could be changed with regard to relations:

  1. You've made 1-member multipolygon relations for the three swimming pools. These are simple closed-way objects so the relations are unnecessary and can be deleted.
  2. Ways 348691865 and 348691918 have some tags that duplicate those on the building or relation, respectively. These tags should be removed from the multipolygon outer ways.
permanent link

answered 03 Jun '15, 19:00

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 03 Jun '15, 16:45

question was seen: 4,096 times

last updated: 25 Sep '15, 06:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum