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I would like to add a list of features (points) to OSMand that I need to survey on the ground. Steps I have managed so far:

  1. I have got an extract (by clicking the GPX file link at )
  2. Have copied this to /osmand/tracks on the phone
  3. Have got the GPS "track" to show.

My issue is that all features appear the same in OSMand and clicking on each one only brings up the waypoint name (some useless ID).

What I would ideally like is to be able to view each waypoint in a different colour depending on its status (see link above). Is this possible? If not then is there some other way to achieve a similar effect.


asked 02 Jun '15, 23:03

RobJN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I used text wrangler to replace the </name> <cmt> with a space and then the </cmt> with </name> from your boxes.gpx

From this...
<wpt lat="52.411469959414" lon="-1.67507208439022"> <name>PB-014</name> <cmt>Missing OSM Box</cmt> <sym>Post Office</sym> </wpt>

to give this at each waypoint ...
<wpt lat="52.411469959414" lon="-1.67507208439022"> <name>PB-014 Missing OSM Box </name> <sym>Post Office</sym> </wpt>

and you can copy it from

This may work for you.

(03 Jun '15, 01:44) nevw

Editing the text file seems like the best approach for now. I don't want to add a load of Notes as this could get very cluttered very quickly.

(07 Jun '15, 23:06) RobJN

Use the notes feature. As far as I can recall, OSMand pulls in open notes

permanent link

answered 03 Jun '15, 18:26

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%


It does after activating the corresponding notes plugin.

(03 Jun '15, 19:37) scai ♦

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question asked: 02 Jun '15, 23:03

question was seen: 4,645 times

last updated: 07 Jun '15, 23:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum