when I want to see the results of my edits in http://hdyc.neis-one.org/ my username didn't found, after I create a new account , it turns out the results of my account is found , but edits only 9. whereas , in the edit my profile gained 100 more . what's the solution ? whether it is the fault of the OpenStreetMap ? |
Two things to consider here. Firstly your OSM username is case sensitive, so you have to get it entered exactly the same as it is on OSM at the neis-one website. Example EdLoach works but edloach doesn't. Also the hdyc website says in the top right corner "Daily/Weekly Data Update" and shows my last changeset (as I type) as 22nd May 2015 but my most recent is 27th July (31 changesets after that shown at HDYC), so I suspect a weekly update is imminent. |