I’ve been following the instructions found here. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmosis/PostGIS_Setup There have been some problems so I’ve had to grab updated versions of files, but when I try to import the iowa highway osm it gives me the this.
First this is a help forum, not a place for debugging specific installations. In future please use IRC, the forum or one of the mailing lists. Second read the error message "SEVERE: Thread for task 1-read-xml failed org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: The database schema vers ion of 6 does not match the expected version of 4. at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pgsql.common.SchemaVersionValidator.va lidateDBVersion(SchemaVersionValidator.java:82) at" You look to be using a very old version of osmosis (IIRC 0.31 is about 2 years old) with an out-of-date simple Postgres database schema. The schema has changed significantly and must be kept in step with the relevant version of Osmosis (the schema DDL is usually in a sub-directory of any osmosis distribution). The --wp task checks that the currently supported schema matches a value in a table on the database, and this seems to be the root of the error message. I would suggest that a) you upgrade to the current version of Osmosis (0.38), b) install hstore on your Postgres database, and c) replace the schema with the current version. Carry out a few simple tests, before trying with a large file: can you create a copy of an OSM XML file, can you import and empty OSM XML file into a database etc. If you filter out the info lines from the Java exception its easier to get to the core of the problem. |