Hello, is here anybody who is able to advice me step by step how to create and install the map of Sri Lanka into my Garmin Orebon 600 Pro? I visited the: http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl but for whole Srí Lanka map I have to download three big tiles of map with lot of sea area. Moreover in a higher ratio screening larger area the streets are squared and only when I zoom in streets become as they should be seen. I found the map of Srí Lanka also at Geofabrik but there is required some knowledge of Java programing. And unfortunately I have utterly no knowledge about Java except of one that Java works in my computer as a necessary part of web sides. I spent lot of time browsing web searching these informations but I am still on the beginning. Hope somebody helps me I thank so much in advance Miroslav |
Select Sri Lanka in http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl, download the osm_generic_gmapsupp.zip file, and unzip it, which gives you a file called gmapsupp.img. Optionally rename it (e.g OSM_Sri_Lanka.img), keeping the '.img' extension so that the GPS knows what it is; that allows you to have more than one supplementary map on recent Garmin devices such as the Oregon. Connect your GPS to a computer, and copy the '.img' file to the Garmin directory, either on the GPS device or on its Micro SD card if you have fitted one. That's all. My Etrex 30 automatically enables any newly downloaded maps in every profile, and I would expect the Oregon to do the same. If it does not, enable the map as nevw describes. You should be able to leave the worldwide basemap enabled, as downloaded maps seem to take precedence over the basemap in the regions that they cover. I can't vouch for its behaviour at the edges of the downloaded map, which is another good reason for downloading a map containing the whole of Sri Lanka and much of the surrounding water. Don't worry about the size of the file. Garmin 'img' files use a vector format, which means that their size depends on the amount of information that they contain, not on the area that they cover; OSM does not contain much information about areas of ocean. The Sri Lanka map is about 1/20 of the size of the map of the United Kingdom, which I keep on my Etrex 30 and update occasionally. |
download three big tiles of map with lot of sea area and when downloaded, unzip the gmapsupp file and copy it the the Garmin directory on your sd card. Go to setup > map on the gps and enable only that map and leave the basemap enabled. Go to maps and you will be able to zoom in and see where you located on the map after satellites get a fix. A detailed guide that will work on your Oregon 600 too dc rainmaker an alternative is to download a map from http://extract.bbbike.org/ There you can specify your own region with a polygon.
(29 May '15, 15:07)
Thanks for both repplies. Although these describe way I passed in past I used .nl server to download Srí Lanka map. It looks better than the map downloaded from BBbike.org. I asked the Geofabrik company to give me some advice how to install their map it looks uite well. Will see if they reply.