On the cycle map there are lines of different color & width, sometimes with numbers. What's the difference between red, blue, light blue, grey? When I pull up the map key, it's empty. |
This page has a copy of the key: http://www.gravitystorm.co.uk/shine/cycle-info/ (It would be handy if the main OSM site included the key for the cycle map in the same way that it does for "Mapnik".) |
In addition to http://www.gravitystorm.co.uk/shine/cycle-info/ AFAIK: A dashed blue line is a 'cycleway' (either a highway=cycleway or sometimes other highways marked with bicycle=yes) A dashed yellow line is a byway. NB This key is depreciated. A dashed green line is a bridleway. You should be allowed to cycle on these. A dashed wide dark brown line is highway=track. You can physically cycle down it (more probably on a mountain bike than a road bike) - it could be a bridleway or some form of byway; or you may not necessary have a legal right to do so (i.e. it could be private). A dashed thin browny/red (not really sure what colour this is!) line is a footway or path. You probably can't cycle on these, but sometimes a path may in fact be a cycleable 'single-track'. With the bridleway status denoted in the designation status, or a bicycle=yes tag. Various access rights may be given by either access and/or designation keys on highways: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:designation I don't think Cycle Map supports designation as it's primarily a UK thing... For some parts of the UK one attempt to show these is: http://www.free-map.org.uk/0.6/about.html Thank you so much for that, it makes things much clearer.
(14 Oct '12, 21:58)
I too would love to know the meaning especially of some of the path colours. The link above takes you to a wholly inadequate map key. I've been to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features and still can't find the answers. My main query is on the cycle map I've figured out that a dashed brown line is a footpath but paths for cycles seem to appear on the map sometimes as dashed blue lines and sometimes as dashed green lines. What does the difference in colour mean? |
I filed a ticket about this about 3 weeks ago https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4590 Also i happen to bump into Andy Allan at State of the Map US last night and i mentioned it to him. Notice the Transport Map and MapQuest versions also lack a key. I'd raise bugs, but I find the trac system almost too infuriating to use. [Now done: https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/463 + https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4631 ] However I was quite impressed that the Mapnik key is aligned to the zoom level.
(16 Oct '12, 22:00)
This might be what you are looking for: https://www.opencyclemap.org/docs/ Of which the following image is a selection: