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There have been many questions about this topic: how to display a map without any label? In my case, I do not have the possibility to generate my own tiles, because I don't have the rights to install Mapnik on the server (and I am not interested in static tiles). So I would be very happy if I could just pull some "mapnik-without-labels" in OpenLayers.

Lots of posts point to this project: which used to be amazing but which is no longer online (at least not at the same adress).

Anyone knows if there are labelless tiles available somewhere?

Thanks in advance and cheers

asked 28 May '15, 11:05

shenriod's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please see this question. It has an answer pointing to a tile server offered by (Wikimedia) which provides tiles without any labels. Also be sure to read the comments, especially about the tile usage policy that you should check when using these tiles on a larger scale.

permanent link

answered 28 May '15, 12:06

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks a lot, it's indeed helping. I will continue the discussion on the page you mention

(28 May '15, 13:36) shenriod

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question asked: 28 May '15, 11:05

question was seen: 3,308 times

last updated: 28 May '15, 13:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum