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I'm totally new to OSM, and I'm trying to figure out how to map a train station. Regarding the mapping process, the transport operator I work for can provide me station maps which shows only the main walls of a floor, I thought about using it as a layer in Vespucci and go on site and edit POI and other stuff using a Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 on Android.

As I wanted to test this workflow, I tried to load an ".osm" sample I found in the french OSM wiki:

I can open this file in JOSM, but it is not possible to load it in Vespucci using "Transfer"-> "Read from a file". After the import, nothing happens, I'm a just stuck with the world map.

What's wrong with my import?
Or is there another indoor mapping process which could be a good workaround?

Thanks for your help.


asked 27 May '15, 17:51

Haristide's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 May '15, 17:53

This actually a bug report (not sure why it is turning up now given that it is from May 2015), you should open an issue here: it seems however as if the sample file is no longer available.

BTW the next release of vespucci will have an "indoor" mode, a beta of this is likely 1-2 weeks away (see )

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answered 05 Nov '16, 11:39

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


To add OSM data using Vespucci, you are required to sign in to your OpenStreetMap account. Sign in by tapping the “More options” icon (located on the lower right portion of the screen) and selecting “Authorise OAuth” under “Tools…”. Type your OSM username (or email address) and password, then tap “Login”. If you do not have an OSM account, select “Register now” instead.

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answered 10 Jun '20, 06:22

Smith%20Hennry's gravatar image

Smith Hennry
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 May '15, 17:51

question was seen: 5,102 times

last updated: 10 Jun '20, 06:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum