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I want to make a gallery with "then and now" screenshots for a specific place. The purpose of this is to see how much data have been added there every month/year. I can render the screenshots with Maperitive if I had the osm XML files.

Can I fetch data up to older revision with the API? I'm SVN user and there is that command
svn up -r {2011-01-01}
that would fetch the last up to that date version of the working project. Is there something similar with the osm api?

asked 07 Apr '11, 11:12

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

edited 06 Mar '14, 15:25

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

for a similar question relating to viewing a finished rendering for visual comparison, see how-can-i-view-osm-as-it-was-a-year-ago.

(06 Mar '14, 15:24) aseerel4c26 ♦

The API will only give you small amounts of data at a time. If you want to show a larger area on the map you'll need to download planet dumps. Or, there are some sites that split the planet dumps up by country and/or state. Check out the planet dumps wiki page:

Some of the download folders have old planet dumps still available, like this one looks like it goes back about two years:

permanent link

answered 07 Apr '11, 14:57

JasonWoof's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It is not about large area - the area is very small. It is more important to fetch old data that may be overwritten with something newer. Like the first version of some street that has been changed 100 times since then. Downloading planet dump takes a lot of time and extracting it takes even more time and storage space. I want to make more than 1 screenshot, so I'm searching for an easier way to do it.

(08 Apr '11, 06:31) ivanatora

There isn't one.

(08 Apr '11, 12:22) Richard ♦

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question asked: 07 Apr '11, 11:12

question was seen: 7,233 times

last updated: 02 Jan '17, 02:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum