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I compiled from git my own nominatim server, and imported the latest osm data for the country Malta.

The address search index is inaccurate however, and is not the same as what is provided by the nominatim api.

Example: Selects the town to be Senglea Selects the town to be the city Valletta

Looking into the postgres osm/nominatim database, the table place_addressline has a column isaddress, which is a boolean. In the example above, the place_id for "Senglea" under "triq ir-Rizq", is marked as false. If this is marked as true, it works correctly. So how do I fix this issue when the nodes are being generated and indexed while installing and setting up Nominatim?

asked 26 May '15, 13:09

ChristopherBartolo's gravatar image

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question asked: 26 May '15, 13:09

question was seen: 2,844 times

last updated: 26 May '15, 13:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum