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When using location service from, we get a list of matching city/area/other from Nominatim and GeoNames.

Is there any special reason why the first result of this list (so probably the "best matching proposition") is not automatically focused on map but user has to select it manually?

Most of the other map services (Google Maps, Brouter, etc.) move map to the first result position which is most of the time the expected answer in my opinion. There might be a discussion around that somewhere but I could not spot it?

asked 25 May '15, 18:59

bagage's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 May '15, 20:04

Are you sure about that? :)

On, if you click the 'routing' icon (two arrows), then enter values into each field, the "top result" is the only one available and is automatically selected - the remaining results are actually discarded.

On the standard (non-routing) search, the behaviour is more like what you describe.

It would be good to bring the two behaviours together, which would require moving the results parsing logic from Rails (as at present) to JavaScript. However, thus far, no developer has volunteered to do that. Maybe you could volunteer?

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answered 25 May '15, 19:56

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 May '15, 19:57


For clarity - I should point out that bagage's original question was "Select first routing result automatically" and "When using routing service from...", which was the context in which my answer was written. Slightly bad form to do a ninja edit without an accompanying comment, but hey.

(25 May '15, 21:26) Richard ♦

Hmm, you are right Richard, I edited my question after seeing correct technical terms in your answer and I did not thought a comment was worth the noise, my bad! I am not a web programmer at all, but I think I will take a look at it and see if I can do it. There is already an issue reported about that on github:

(26 May '15, 17:49) bagage

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question asked: 25 May '15, 18:59

question was seen: 2,001 times

last updated: 26 May '15, 18:09

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