I am just starting to get to grips with how to produce maps using osmosis, mkgmap etc etc. does anyone have any information as to which is the best approach, should I produce my own bounds directory using osmosis and mkgmap or should I download one, are there pros and cons to each aspproach, if so what are they |
World wide boundary data for mkgmap is regularly updated by Lambertus, so not necessary to use osmosis (unless you need more recent or specific boundary data): http://osm2.pleiades.uni-wuppertal.de/bounds/ or http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/download/mkgmap.html |
I'm not sure whether you mean using bounds to define a specific extract or different bounds for mkgmap tiles. Personally I just use splitter with default settings: although at one stage I thought tiles on OS Landranger boundaries would be useful (I had a Garmin with limited memory).
Hi, well I am a little confused by the terminology from the documentation.
I started with the guide. How to make a map
This says "These tiles can be compiled into a map as-is, but the resultant map would lack addressing data (e.g. city or zip code). Addressing data comes from preprocessed bounds tiles, and you can either download them from navmaps.eu or create them yourself as described in Mkgmap/help/options#Using_preprocessed_bounds_for_the_address_index. Place the resultant files into a subdirectory named bounds. "
To me that implies that the bounds directory would contain more of an index than boundary definitions.
This wiki information was outdated, boundary data can be downloaded from mkgmap.org or on the link to Lambertus site (see my answer). In your mkgmap parameters you have to add --bounds=bounds_20150206.zip to make it work.