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I'd like to make a comparison of a village before I edited it some days ago, and now. Unfortunately I did not download an image of the map before.

Is there a way to get OSM tiles form some days in the past?

asked 22 May '15, 07:29

cweiske's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 22 May '15, 09:52

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question of" by cweiske 22 May '15, 09:52

Unless the before & after time period is crucial you could try this site which shows the map as it was in Sept 2012

I also needed before & after images of my local area and, after zooming in to the relevant section of the map on, I saved screen prints which were fine for my purposes.

Here is a link to my original question in case some of the other suggestions are of more use to you.

permanent link

answered 22 May '15, 09:31

NZGraham's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

On the osm you can use the layers icon on the right side (stack of books) and select the cycle layer which gets updated later than the main map. Or you can download a similar map from one of the OSM Map On Garmin/Download and install the file for your computer and use Garmin Basecamp (free download - I don't think you need to have a gps device to install and use?) to view it on your pc. The extracts of the Lambertus map is currently dated 19-05-2015 and some are older. Some of these maps may suit your needs to though I haven't checked many out various osm maps

permanent link

answered 22 May '15, 07:57

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 22 May '15, 08:04

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'd like to have the same rendering as OSM provides.

(22 May '15, 08:05) cweiske

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question asked: 22 May '15, 07:29

question was seen: 3,695 times

last updated: 22 May '15, 09:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum