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I read this article where I found exactly what I need.

Actually I use gmap to display the customers' addresses (signed with markers) at salesman. I can't print this map with markers. After a long effort I was unable to print and I looking other way. I'd like to try with openstreet.

My software works under zk environment, tomcat and java. I don't like javascript...

Thank's Luca

asked 14 May '15, 16:56

LucaRV's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think it is pretty simply to copy the java classes from that wiki page into some files and compile it yourself in case you cannot find a jar-file (if it exists at all)

permanent link

answered 14 May '15, 19:34

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Hi Escada, my only problem is that I haven't find them... I find many others source but not org.osm.lights.*

(15 May '15, 17:53) LucaRV

The page you're referring to is just a sample code snippet from some larger project (which presumably isn't open source).

IMHO there's really no point in looking for some .jar file with org.osm.lights, as it most likely belongs to some private undisclosed project.

(15 May '15, 20:16) mmd

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question asked: 14 May '15, 16:56

question was seen: 4,568 times

last updated: 15 May '15, 20:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum