(Please excuse my poor English) Hi, I am a newbie for Open Street Map. Currently I'm doing a 3D map project using Aster 1 arcsecond GDEM data. However I found Aster GDEM data have some errors. Most significant error is that Aster GDEM data do not exclude water area(sea, river, lake) data sufficiently. To correct the error, I sought a land/water mask, but could not found sufficient one having sufficient resolution. So I want to make a land/water mask using OSM coastline data, having sufficient resolution matching for Aster GDEM. But I don't know how. Would you please let me know how to get land/water mask using OSM coastline data, and how to include other water area(river, lake) data to the land/water mask? Of course, other ideas for correcting the Aster GDEM error will be welcomed. |
Short answer:the coastline you already found it at openstreetmapdata.com. For lakes, you need openstreetmap data from planet.openstreetmap.org, then look on the wiki.openstreetmap.org for osmfilter. The other tools you need are ogr2ogr to make shapefiles, and gdal to process the DEM and with resulting shapes, mainly http://www.gdal.org/gdal_rasterize.html. |
You can use the OSM-based shape files on http://www.openstreetmapdata.com/ - but note that using these files to correct your ASTER dataset will likely have license implications for your resulting data, i.e. it will likely be an OSM-derived database which you then have to license under ODbL 1.0. |
Thank you for your reply. I found this.
Still I don't know below, cause I'm a newbie for OSM. Please let me know more detail.