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Likely all of this user's edits are either completely made up, changed or deleted existing data.

Example changeset:

Changing road name:

Adding phony lake:

Deleting a cemetery:

Is there a proper way of dealing with this? I think known bad accounts should be on a list and have their changesets reverted. It's a chore to find and go through all these malicious edits and check every change, especially when some are subtle like changing a highway maxspeed to 65 mph when the state maxspeed for that type of road is maximum of 55 mph.

Vandalism will of course increase as OSM grows, and the more we depend on it the less vandalism should be ignored as the problem it is.

asked 12 May '15, 05:11

zvddynrt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 12 May '15, 06:41

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦


This is a questions site, not a discussion, suggestions or opinions site. You can post "I think"s and "should"s on the mailing lists or the bug trackers, but if you post them here, they're unlikely to be noticed by anyone with the ability or willingness to do anything about them.

(25 May '15, 19:54) Richard ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by Frederik Ramm 12 May '15, 06:41

See What should I do about vandalism? - I've also added changeset discussion entries to some of their edits and I guess we should revert unless they come back with a solid explanation.

permanent link

answered 12 May '15, 06:40

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 12 May '15, 06:51


Reverted now.

(25 May '15, 18:26) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 12 May '15, 05:11

question was seen: 2,982 times

last updated: 25 May '15, 19:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum