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Is there for example a way to get the map to show every fountain in Rome, or every windmill in the Netherlands while being at country-level zoom?

asked 08 May '15, 09:54

LydScottCape's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It depends a bit by what you mean by "the map". If you want to display points as a result of a separate "live" query that displays on top of an OSM map, then Harald Hartmann's comment below would work, but only very slowly.

If that's not an option would you be happy to set up your own tileserver to display the data (and change the tile style so that the data that you want is displayed at the zoom level you want), or would you be happy with a statically-prepared map that highlights the data that you want, but isn't extracted from OSM "live"?

(08 May '15, 12:27) SomeoneElse ♦

inexperienced users first go to and use the wizard please, e.g. "man_made=windmill in Netherlands" and overpass-turbo does the query for you!

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answered 08 May '15, 16:34

Harald%20Hartmann's gravatar image

Harald Hartmann
accept rate: 33%


To anyone with the same question, the answer which helped me the most is the post by Harald Hartmann.

(08 May '15, 16:35) LydScottCape

this was a comment i've converted to an answer from an answer deleted by @LydScottCape

(08 May '15, 16:38) Harald Hartmann

Follow-up question. This is more about how to do proper coding. Say I want to look for all mosques in the Netherlands by using way"amenity"="place_of_worship". Where can I add "religion"="muslim"? I've tried using && everywhere but without success.

(08 May '15, 16:56) LydScottCape
(08 May '15, 18:39) Harald Hartmann

for more useful informations have a look at Overpass turbo and perhaps the examples at the end of the wikipage

(08 May '15, 18:41) Harald Hartmann

I always chuckle when I see an answer mention setting up tileservers, like seriously, how many people actually do that. K.I.S.S people! Why go for the most difficult option first? The mind boggles

LydScottCape, the easiest answer to you question can be found in the following links

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answered 08 May '15, 15:30

DaCor's gravatar image

accept rate: 2%


Thanks! Using your links I came upon, which is exactly what I was looking for!

(08 May '15, 16:14) LydScottCape

@LydScottCape - is it fast enough for your needs (see the comment below where Harald Hartmann mentioned overpass earlier)?

(08 May '15, 16:18) SomeoneElse ♦


I didn't see HH's comment till now. I agree it's slow, but is there anything faster with the same ease of use?

(08 May '15, 16:31) LydScottCape

@LydScottCape I can't think of anything with the same ease of use, no. The next nearest would probably be umap, and DaCor's linked RobJN's tutorials already. It might be worth having a look at the earlier one too:

that covers the "non-updated-on-the-fly" situation.

(08 May '15, 16:39) SomeoneElse ♦

Either do it in JavaScript using Leaflet to display data from the OverpassAPI, or set up your own tileserver (with apache, mod_tile & renderd (or tirex)).

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answered 08 May '15, 11:19

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


load every windmill in the Netherlands at country-level zoom via OverpassAPI isn't really fast. ~100s

(08 May '15, 12:07) Harald Hartmann

There is no need to load this data on every page hit. Windmills don't change that fast.

(08 May '15, 12:50) scai ♦

Usually what I do in this case is to download the data every 24 hours, and then just server that up.

(08 May '15, 16:29) rorym

@Harald Hartmann, thanks. Didn't see your comment till now. I agree its slow, but in the end I do get what I want.

(08 May '15, 16:30) LydScottCape

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question asked: 08 May '15, 09:54

question was seen: 3,281 times

last updated: 08 May '15, 18:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum