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On the 16th March, 3 weeks ago, I added a load of roads in the region of , and they were rendered in reasonable time in all appropriate zoom levels except level 12, which still has not been rendered. Could this be due to a fault somewhere in the system, or am I just being impatient?


asked 06 Apr '11, 10:31

tongro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

No, that does not sound normal. Max a day or two I guess, but then something is probably wrong. Normally my edits show up within a bunch of hours.

First I had a hard time to see the problem because different zoom levels carry different amount of details, but here is a link to a road that is not visible in level 12 (but in the adjacent zoom levels) and its edited Mars 16th by you:

Hopefully someone here has an explanation.

(06 Apr '11, 11:00) gnurk

The roads in question are centred around the coordinate given; in the village of Rathdrum and in the (previously-) blank area north-west of the village, including the one you mentioned. Thanks.

(06 Apr '11, 11:06) tongro

I'd suggest looking at this question and answer, about what happens when the queue is full and how to check the status of a tile and/or add it to the render queue:

For example, this tile is one of the ones missing your roads:


shows it was last rendered on 5th March.

The queue is full as I type (and has been often lately)

but I have tried

to add it to the queue so it may re-render shortly if you are lucky.

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '11, 11:11

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

OK, thanks, that's very informative. However, I'd wonder about the sanity of the algorithm when a particular zoom-level sits in the queue for weeks while adjacent levels appear to get rendered quite promptly.

(06 Apr '11, 13:28) tongro

Patches welcome!

(06 Apr '11, 14:04) Richard ♦

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question asked: 06 Apr '11, 10:31

question was seen: 3,505 times

last updated: 06 Apr '11, 14:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum