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Hi, I was just wondering how to add bus route information to individual bus stops? Do I add the route as a relation? (The routes already have relations created in my area). Someone in my area seems to have been adding route information in brackets after the stop name, should I delete this from the name since it is not part of the name?


asked 06 May '15, 18:34

jackfifield's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As for the route data, it is indeed added as a relation. You can find the schema at and check out how others have done it both in a similar area and over in the UK or Germany where the how tends to be spot on. As for the routes appended to the name try talking to them first and find out their reasoning. It's better to avoid an edit war after all.

Happy Mapping!

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answered 07 May '15, 03:44

Ashley%20Laurens's gravatar image

Ashley Laurens
accept rate: 40%


Also see the bus stop wiki page ( which explains bus_stop vs. stop_position. A specific bus route relation you might look at as it appears complete is NB: route_ref used to be used to indicate routes served at a bus stop, but I guess it's purely done via relations now.

(07 May '15, 14:36) neuhausr

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question asked: 06 May '15, 18:34

question was seen: 7,925 times

last updated: 11 May '15, 15:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum