Having a GPX file is somewhat crucial because some turns these routes make into some lost lanes are impossible to find when signs are missing or hidden in the vegetation.
You can download GPX routes, made using OpenStreetMap data, for many NCN routes from cycle.travel (disclaimer: my site!). Some routes have full route guides (see the 'Route Guides' menu) with a GPX link, while others can be found just by searching for (say) 'NCN 2'. These differ from those available for download from other sites in that the routes are 'ordered' (i.e. each road follows on another) rather than being a collection of disparate segments. |
This is essetially the same problem as described in this question. Go to http://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/en/?zoom=9&lat=50.56143&lon=-4.58471&hill=0 , select "routes", select "NCN 3" and then "GPX". |