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It is on the Ouse Valley Way LDFP (long distance footpath). The council as closed it until work is completed or 17 OCT 2015. I have attempted to tag this, any better ideas.

asked 05 May '15, 11:59

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 05 May '15, 12:15


Please don't abuse the designation tag for describing the purpose of your fence. Use the note tag instead.

(05 May '15, 13:36) scai ♦

I see the bridge is not on the map. Has the bridge been washed away / destroyed?

I probably would have tagged the bridge with highway=construction, construction=bridge and access=no instead of deleting the bridge.

permanent link

answered 05 May '15, 13:31

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


Conditional restrictions can also be used, although these might not be used by data consumers. The usual problem is that surveyors forget to restore such ways once the repairs are over.

(05 May '15, 13:40) SK53 ♦

The bridge is just rubble, storm damaged over two years ago. An orange fence as been erected but it isn't a demolition site or a building site at moment 4 May 2015. I have paid a couple of visits and work still has not started but a Bedford county council notice says it will or should be rebuilt on or before 17 Oct 2015. Should the LDFP be re-routed?

(05 May '15, 14:36) andy mackey

If users of the LDFP have worn an alternate route around the bridge site, then I would mark the path on the map and probably tag it with route=detour.

I would probably also tag the area inside the fence with landuse=construction even though actual construction has not started.

As the bridge is a pile of rubble, I would tag it as bridge=yes, ruins=yes and access=no.

Once the bridge has been restored and put back in service, then the fence can be deleted and ruin tag removed. The access tag can be updated to reflect the type of traffic permitted to use the bridge.

(05 May '15, 18:15) rovingmedic

Thank you all for suggestions. I originally mapped the bridge and path after surveying the footpath and bridge about four years ago. I decided to delete it as i didn't want it to be rendered. I will watch the situation and re-map the bridge when it is restored. I did look carefully at the possibility of a detour but it would only be possible in very dry conditions and the bank is steep and may lead to injury. The path is legally closed so a detour would not be legal or even passable when work starts, so I thought it best not to encourage it's use.

(05 May '15, 23:21) andy mackey

Bridge still not re-built when I check 01 08 2015

(04 Aug '15, 17:06) andy mackey

Hooray! Bedford CC have had the bridge rebuilt. I just surveyed it and remapped it. Give it a little while to render.

(14 Jul '16, 21:33) andy mackey
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question asked: 05 May '15, 11:59

question was seen: 6,115 times

last updated: 14 Jul '16, 21:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum