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As I can create an application with OSM in android, and I can also use only country map

asked 05 Apr '11, 23:12

Juan%20Diego's gravatar image

Juan Diego
accept rate: 0%

retagged 25 Aug '13, 13:12

MagicFab's gravatar image


Your question is not really clear. It is better if you ask two separate questions. I will assume that you asking if it is allowed to create an Android Application using OSM data. I interpret the second part of the question as if you can use OSM data to create a map for one Country. Please change the title of your question and rephrase the content to clarifying. See my answer below.

(06 Apr '11, 08:18) temporalista

--Spanish--- Juan Diego. Tu pregunta no es muy clara. Es mejor escribir dos preguntas separadas. Asumo que estás preguntando si puedes crear una aplicación para Android usando datos de OSM. Entiendo que la segunda parte de tu pregunta es su se pueden usar datos de OSM para crear un mapa de un solo país. Por favor cambia el título a formato de pregunta y también reescribe el contenido para que sea más claro. Mejor aún, crea dos respuestas separadas.

(06 Apr '11, 08:21) temporalista

Please, separate your question in two.

First question: Yes, you can create an Android app that uses OSM data as far as you complain the OSM legal terms (See

Second question: Yes, you can extract the area for one specific country. See:

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This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 06 Apr '11, 08:29

temporalista's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are alreadz a bunch of Android apps that display OSM data and more! Have a look at Android in the OSM wiki.

Some of them are even open source, so you can have a look at.

According to this, there shall be no legal problems to create OSM related Android apps.

A new sub forum has been installed for Android things at the OSM forum.

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '11, 16:36

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 05 Apr '11, 23:12

question was seen: 13,278 times

last updated: 25 Aug '13, 13:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum