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Receiving constant error messages during uploading changes while editing with iD. This has been occurring for the last 24 hours. Is there a new problem with the editor? Message received is, "Please ensure you are connected to the internet. Server returned status code 404"

asked 03 May '15, 16:10

chachafish's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

closed 25 Mar '18, 23:53

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


I also had the same problem saving yesterday. I gave up and closed the window. Today I opened openstreetmap again and it offered to restore changes, which I did. When trying to save them the "Save" button in the Save changes dialog confirmation step does nothing. I can press it but no function, no save.

(04 May '15, 03:23) Glenhope1

I'm having the same problem too at both home and work. Restarting OSM, it tells me I have unsaved edits, if I hit Restore it does nothing, acts like I haven't pressed the button at all, only the Reset button works. I'm using Google Chrome. Sounds like something doesn't agree somewhere.

(04 May '15, 03:40) Omegaville

The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is outdated (likely this was caused by a programming error in iD). @others: Please open a new question if you are having saving problems." by aseerel4c26 25 Mar '18, 23:53

I suspect that this may be Issue 2626 on the iD github repository: A patch has been written and will be applied when server admins have some time.

In the meantime there is a published workaround, but its a little complicated:

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answered 03 May '15, 16:51

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 03 May '15, 17:03

Looks like v1.7.2, which contains the fix, is live on openstreetmap now, so anyone with edit history can refresh the page, restore the history, and should be able to save.

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answered 04 May '15, 03:46

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%


nope. doesn't work yet.

(04 May '15, 04:16) Glenhope1

See - other people are uploading changes (some with iD).

So, editing works, but only uploading/"saving" does not? Which browser do you use?

This user account is not yours? Because there are edits.

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answered 03 May '15, 16:20

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

I experienced a similar problem yesterday while using JOSM. I checked my local network communications and after re-establishing my WiFi connection was able to upload my change set without problem.

Would it be possible for you to explain how you are connected to the Internet?

(03 May '15, 16:27) Ashley Laurens

I use Safari on a Mac. Editing works, but uploading/saving receives error message about 60% of the time. If I dismiss the error message and hit the save button again, it will generally save correctly. However, sometimes I have to hit the save button three or four times. Chachafish is my user account in OSM. I'm connected to the internet using my wifi at home. Wifi at work creates the same problem. Again, only an issue for the last 24 hours or so. Prior to that, never an issue.

(03 May '15, 16:35) chachafish

I don't think that we are going to be able to achieve a good answer to this question. This smacks of being a very difficult to reproduce and localise error with many potential points of failure. As I said above I experienced a very similar effect yesterday but resolved it with local network troubleshooting and so would suggest trying disabling and then enabling wifi on your Mac and if that doesn't resolve it restart your modem/router.

That you are having good connectivity for editing in iD but only experiencing issues during a commit is suggestive that the fault is intermittent but self resolving. I also use a Mac for my editing but choose to use JOSM for its wider feature set.

(03 May '15, 16:47) Ashley Laurens

Okay, thank you :)

(03 May '15, 16:53) chachafish

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question asked: 03 May '15, 16:10

question was seen: 4,712 times

last updated: 25 Mar '18, 23:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum