All elements in changeset are not rendering (in the mapnik edition) but subsequent edits in the same area are. Could you point out what error I have made in this submission. I am using JOSM v8279 on a Macbook Pro OS X 10.10.2. Java 1.8.0_31 Thank you. |
in the few elements (new buildings, e.g ), I shortly looked at, I saw no problem. The last day (I think at least 24 h) we had severe server problems (homepage and API down, "Standard" map not updating), so I think this might be a leftover from this. Just continue to map, eventually it will render (see the top questions in ). E.g. on the "Humanitarian" map it shows up, have a look at this in the meantime. Update: 22 hours later your new about 10 buildings show up on all maps linked on except the "Standard" map, which is the only one being produced by servers. Hiccup! I am quite sure that will not continue forever, but one never knows … If they still are not there in a week or so we should ask the server admins. Could be that something as a hiccup also in other parts of the world. Oh, and, welcome to OSM! :-) Happy mapping! Cheers. I 'knew' from reading a bunch of other Q&As and Wiki pages that mapping was where you were supposed to see that your edits had taken. After seeing your answer I checked the humanitarian rendering and saw the data there. Thank you and thanks for the welcome.
(01 May '15, 03:28)
Ashley Laurens
I've asked the server admins for help: