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I've been editing HOT tasks, using JOSM. It auto generates an edit summary for me, but mine is full of the type of markup that is used in URLs to encode less common characters. Like "%23" instead of "#". It leaves my edit summaries almost unreadable. Is this a known issue? Any known workarounds? I don't see any obvious links on the HOT website to submit bug reports.

I'm viewing the HOT website on firefox, my computer is running Ubuntu 14.10, and the most up to date version of JOSM (Version 8279).

edit: example

asked 29 Apr '15, 21:17

keithonearth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 29 Apr '15, 22:40

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

What you see is a URL encoded text.

workaround: just fix your edit summaries manually before you upload.

investigation (assuming that HOT uses JOSM's remote control which is backed by the ticket/issues linked further down): HTTPS test link with a preset changeset comment works for me with version 8291 and with version 8279 (with the older 8109 I get no pre-filled comment at all, whyever): I see "#hashtag - this is a test comment" in the comment box (after doing a simple node move and clicking the upload button). Note: please do not really upload such test data, do not click the final upload button! (technical note: yes, a non-encoded # seems to be not liked by JOSM – see #issuecomment-75121152 in the "issue" mentioned further down)

So, it seems to me that the HOT website constructs the Remote Control link somehow wrong (too much encoding). Please tell the HOT guys (also tell them your JOSM version). See for contact options. I have written user pyrog a mail and further communication is best made in the relevant "issue" at github (see below).

Further note: this seems to be known as ("JOSM's behaviour is correct for the given request" and "Why do you double encode the arguments"). So, please ask the HOT website operators/programmers to fix this or at least work together with the JOSM devs (which did not happen in this ticket for ten days from the reporter user pyrog) to point out a problem on JOSM's side (if there is one). Ah, and there is the report on the HOT side ("osm-tasking-manager2") which is still open:

permanent link

answered 29 Apr '15, 21:25

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 29 Apr '15, 23:01

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question asked: 29 Apr '15, 21:17

question was seen: 3,394 times

last updated: 29 Apr '15, 23:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum