Hello, I know a road near me, which is only for destination traffic & psv in one direction, but open to all car traffic in the other direction because it is an exit from a car park. How do I indicate this on the map? At present the road is marked with access=destination and psv=yes, which does not allow exit from the car park that way. It's about the western part of Keetmolenweg, Ede, Netherlands (west of the junction with the car park). |
Let me show an example I've mapped: no vehicles except PSV and bicycles are permitted to enter the road https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/37670256 at its southern end.
I hope this second part is right … those tags are not really used often (around 100–300 each). I am not really sure which mapping method is better (suited). @AlbertP: yes, sorry, I missed the "destination" allowance.
(27 Apr '15, 13:10)
aseerel4c26 ♦
The problem with your solutions is the destination traffic, I think. People whose destination is on the street, may drive in eastern direction (they don't have to go through the car park to their home). For now I have made it a one-way road in western direction with oneway:conditional=no @ destination (and oneway:bicycle=no, oneway:psv=no of course), does that seem about right? I think the solutions you proposed don't allow the destination traffic to go into the street in eastern direction. 1
@AlbertP: Yes, I think your additional tag
(27 Apr '15, 13:15)
aseerel4c26 ♦
this https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/6952921 street part?
Yes, that street part.