There are a number of POIs (e.g. buildings) with a lot of metadata (e.g. created from public domain databases) in Massachusetts. I am trying to convert these POIs into actual building area outlines. Is there any easy way to copy all the tags across to the new area in Potlatch 2? I tried highlighting the original POI, then clicking on the new area and typing "R" to "copy" the tags, but that doesn't work, presumably because points can't be directly converted to areas. What I've been doing as a workaround manually creating each tag new in the area and then progressively deleting them in the POI, until all the tags are copied across, then deleting the original POI, but that becomes incredibly tedious when you have 10-15 tags. There's got to be a better way. |
We have a new feature under development for Potlatch 2 that allows you to directly convert a POI into a rectangular area. It's not been deployed yet but, subject to testing, will be within a week or two. 1
Thanks, that's good to know. It appears that this question may have already been asked so perhaps these questions could be merged? (not sure how to do that).
(04 Apr '11, 04:41)
Yay, devs!
(04 Apr '11, 06:04)
Any updates on this feature? Seems it's still not available (or is it?).
(21 Oct '11, 21:54)
Click the POI. Shift-click at the opposite point of the area, and hold the mouse down. Move the mouse around until it's the right size for your area.
(22 Oct '11, 00:02)
Richard ♦