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Sometimes I create a new way that needs to have the same relations as another way. It is quite easy to copy the tags from the old way to the new way. But in this case there are also a few relations that should be "copied" to the new way.

Is there a simple way to achieve this?

Last time I just modified every relation itself, which is quite annoying if you have to do the same steps 10 times in a row.

asked 03 Apr '11, 15:31

Flow's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%


I mode a JOSM feature request:

(17 Apr '11, 14:20) Flow


The dumbutils plugin has this functionality, but it's going to be migrated into utilsplugin2

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answered 20 Apr '11, 11:19

Flow's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 20 Apr '11, 17:23

The function is called "Paste Relations".

(06 Aug '13, 09:28) trapicki

Yes, utilsplugin2 can do the trick.

(14 Jul '20, 06:54) Plamen

Today (april 2011), there is no convenient way in JOSM to copy relations from an old way to a new one (like a keyboard shortcut). What I do personnaly if the amount of relations is significant is:
1. detach a small segment from the old way with all relations attached (e.g. insert 3 or 4 nodes, split and merge old way). JOSM will warn you about relations members duplicated into new segments but that's exactly what we want,
2. merge the small segment to the new way.
It sounds a bit complicated but it is faster than editing each relation using the relation editor (especially if you have more than one or two relations to copy).

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answered 05 Apr '11, 16:20

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 03 Apr '11, 15:31

question was seen: 11,453 times

last updated: 14 Jul '20, 06:54

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