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Is it ok to delete the house number in the defibrillator tag if the house the defibrillator is located in has an entrance=yes tag with the house number?

asked 21 Apr '15, 15:17

g1980523's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Apr '15, 15:20

neuhausr's gravatar image


Carefully, I would say: yes, if it is a doublette house number, you can delete it on the defibrillator.

But before, please tell us the perma link to that object, so that we can inspect in detail.

Maybe there has been a kind of import of defi locations where each one has addr: data ...

so we have to check first.

permanent link

answered 29 Apr '15, 13:47

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thanks for your answer!

But before

Sorry, too late for that.

please tell us the perma link to that object, so that we can inspect in detail.

Here is the link to the changeset, the defibrillators in question I have already changed are: Defibrillator 1 history and Defibrillator 2 history, Defibrillator 3 history.

You are right with your guess, they have been imported as you can see from the history pages. Sadly I have no idea how to go on from here. Any suggestions are welcome.

(01 May '15, 13:21) g1980523

I beleive it is best to duplicate unless a relation is in use to bind both references. In rendering it might not be such a problem but with data use the following applies:-

I'd suggest that in general if an object has been given a set of specific address tags that they may be being used in a data sort were the address is clearly available after a text based search.

To explain imagine you took the raw xml data version of OSM and put it into either a database or simply a text editor then asked the program to find all of the kind of object your looking for say [find] "k=emergency, v=defibrillator" then all the defibrillators in the extract can come up along with all the other tags close by so it is easy to find all there addresses to put into a table to give to people. If you did [find] "k=emergancy, v=defibrillator" & "k=addr:country, v=AT" & "k=addr:city, v=Wien" & "k=addr:district, v=5." then the list made could give all building addresses in district "5." which is a useful thing to be able to do.

If you remove the parts of the address because they seem duplicated then consider do the two references have a logical linking connection in the data, say with a reference or relation if not unless the algorithm to find can be made to search any object nearby as a possible address to correspond to then it is very difficult for a program to make a simple list for defibrillators users anymore.

So remembering data uses don't plot things out to use them it would make sense to leave the addresses intact and only make a correction if it is incomplete or wrong through contradiction with another addressed object. If possible visit the place to see what was the wrong one {remember people move things and draw things into OSM at different times and with varying offsets so it may be numbered for next door because it still is next door!}

permanent link

answered 01 May '15, 20:05

Govanus's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

edited 01 May '15, 20:38

having looked agin at your examples I wonder how many renderers look for entrance tags to building numbers at the moment? It dose come to rendering style I guess if some one prefers to be able to put the number in the middle of the building by automaticly having the number linked with the building area's [way]

(01 May '15, 20:46) Govanus

here is an example area I tried both styles in (I think I either ran out of time or had a confermation problem probably the first so it was only part done before I was had a lot of the local bits deleted (apperently for a better look in a renderer tut-tut (renders should be programed to filter the bits they need and reget what users don't like in the funal render)) so I may have abandoned that spot for a bit.

(01 May '15, 21:04) Govanus in this example I stopped as the house had been split and I thought I could use indoor tags in the future to show the split.

(01 May '15, 21:11) Govanus

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question asked: 21 Apr '15, 15:17

question was seen: 4,733 times

last updated: 01 May '15, 21:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum