When I use this site, most things work fine, but I'm forced to load resources from google.com and ajax.googleapis.com for the following:
Why compromise user privacy by loading stuff from Google? Surely the required resources could be stored locally on this domain. Is there a configuration option for this, or would it need to be added upstream? Does OSM maintain local changes to OSQA? Where are settings and local alterations kept? (I use NoScript to see and tailor what resources are used from where.) |
See https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/5089 ("Help Forum loads stylesheet and script from Google"). The answer there: "wontfix", "this is outside our control" (from our main sysadmin) Thanks. Actually, I think the closure may be in error. I'll comment there.
(21 Apr '15, 22:24)
The answer on that ticket was the correct answer at the time, but the OSQA version was brought inhouse last year (see my link below SimonPoole's answer).
(21 Apr '15, 22:29)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse: oh, really? interesting! I have added it to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/help.openstreetmap.org (
(21 Apr '15, 22:31)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Because the system is 3rd party software (not developed for OSM) and it loads resources from third parties. 4
As ever the answer with OSM is "because someone, such as you, hasn't made that change yet". I believe that the version of OSQA used on this site is from here: https://git.openstreetmap.org/osqa.git/ You could I guess fork a copy of that, make your suggested changes and submit pull requests back (though you'd probably want to talk to the site admins first).
(21 Apr '15, 12:11)
SomeoneElse ♦
Often this sort of stuff is a matter of configuration, not code, and can be altered only by sysadmins. On "you'd probably want to talk to the site admins first".
(21 Apr '15, 18:46)