Current name: Porlock Way, Karrinyup, Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia is INCORRECT. The name ROCKINGHAM should not be included. It is a location 50 km away. Please edit. |
See my question and the way to fix this ...... I had to create a polygon of the area and name it, otherwise the name seems to spill into a much larger area |
From the front page: "OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you." There's no paid staff here to make your corrections. Roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. It's fun. |
It seems that this is the result of the Nominatim search for "Porlock Way". With many places in the world, Nominatim results include Places that seem to be not directly related with the place you are searching for. This is "normal", and you don't have to change anything on the tagging of the original place or way. Details: Nominatim ... try to see why all that places are listet in the result. |